Monday, December 30, 2019

10 Wealthiest People Right Now

10 Wealthiest People Right Now10 Wealthiest People Right NowDo you know, who are the wealthiest persons in the world right now? Which country does have the biggest share in this list? Continue reading and we will answer all of your questions.10. Liliane BettencourtLiliane is a daughter of Eugene Schueller, the founder of LOreal in 1907. Her familys share of the company is currently 33%. Liliane family story is not the happiest. She had a legal fights with her own daughter in order to andrang the company. Currently it is run by her 25 years old grandson Jean-Victor Meyers. Liliane suffers from dementia, but she remains the wealthiest woman in Europe.Net worth $40.1BCompany LOrealAge 92Country France9. Jim WaltonThe youngest son of a Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton. This super store is doing extremely well and continues generating more money for Walton family. Jim is a CEO of Waltons Arvest bank, which is earning high profits as well.Net worth $40.6BCompany Wal-MartAge 67Country USA8. Ch risty WaltonShe is the worlds wealthiest women right now. She have married John Walton, Green Beret and Vietnam War veteran, who was a member of the wealthiest family in the world. This legendary family has founded Wal-Mart. Unfortunately John Walton has died in a plane crash in 2005. Christy is the wealthiest of the family, because her husband made a very successful investment into solar energy business shortly before his tragic death.Net worth $41.T BCompany Wal-MartAge 60Country USA7. David KochDavid Koch is in dienstgrad of Koch Industries along with his older brother Charles. This company has interests in oil, building materials, paper towels and even Dixie cups. David Koch is New Yorks richest resident. He invests loads of money on a different projects which take place in big apple.Net worth $42.9 BCompany Several CompaniesAge 75Country USA6. Charles KochThis 4 billionaire in the USA has enormously wide range of business activities. He has been a CEO of Koch Industries since 1 967. This company is currently 2 biggest private company inte USA. His interests aside the business are politics and philanthropy.Net worth $42.9 BCompany Several CompaniesAge 79Country USA5. Larry EllisonOne of the first tech-related Silicon Valley superstars. He has grown up in the middle class home in Chicago with his aunt. He has never honigwein his real father. When Larry built a database for CIA in 1977, he decided to build his own database company called Oracle. It was the beginning of tremendous growth of both his success and wealth.Net worth $54.3 BCompany OracleAge 70Country USA4. Amancio OrtegaAmancio Ortega was born in a poor environment. He grew up as a son of a railway worker. He is co-founder of fashion giant Zara. It all started in 1975 in his living room, where he started producing first pieces of lingerie and bathrobes. In 5 years Zara was known all over the Spain and ready to expand worldwide. Despite his wealth, he visits the same coffee shop every day and has a lunch with his employees in company cafeteria.Net worth $64.5 BCompany ZaraAge 79Country Spain3. Warren BuffettWarren once said, that his best investment was buying a Benjamin Grahams book The Intelligent Investor back in 1949. His company-Berkshire Hathaway is a diversified holding-gesellschaft company. It is classified as Class A stock, with one share worth $200,000. Warren has several other business and philanthropic interests.Net worth $72.7 BCompany Berkshire HathawayAge 84Country USA2. Carlos Slim HeluThis father of 6 children earned his wealth in telecommunication business. He has been moving from the third to the first place continuously for the past 20 years. His second place is caused by current Mexican anti-monopoly law. Carlos earns from his real estate company and stock trading as well.Net worth $77.1 BCompany telecomAge 75Country Mexico1. Bill GatesEveryone knows worlds wealthiest person. He has been number one in this list for 16 out of 21 years. We use his companys p roducts every day. If you are interested in knowing more about him, read this interesting infographic.Net worth $79.2 BCompany MicrosoftAge 59Country USAsource ForbesDo you like this story? Share it with your friends.Share Your Feedback or Ideas in the Comments

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

How to Catch the Attention of Recruiters on Social Media

How to Catch the Attention of Recruiters on Social MediaHow to Catch the Attention of Recruiters on Social MediaSocial media has taken the world by storm, including the business world. As one of the fastest and most convenient ways to stay connected, social media has evolved into one of the many resources job seekers need to use to keep their job search gaining momentum. One area of concern for many job seekers is catching the attention of recruiters on social media. With the tips below, you should be up and running in no timeHere are seven tips to catch the attention of recruiters on social media in a positive wayBest Social Media PlatformsReady or not, recruiters are fairly active on most social media platforms. The big hitters, however, tend to be the bigger platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. To catch their attention, you need to have an active profile that is professional and easily searchable.Profile UpdatesBefore you broadcast your profile to the recruiting worl d, its best to make sure that it is cleaned up and projects the image you want to communicate. Take a look at your photos, videos, updates, shares, likes, and tags to see where your image or anthroponym might pop up. If it is something that could damage your employment prospects, its best to hide it from the public or remove it all together.While an unprofessional profile will surely catch the attention of recruiters, it isnt going to persuade them into hiring you. Make sure you add a professional profile picture and, if possible, create a profile statement using keywords that will attract people to your profile. This could be similar to a five-word career description.Status UpdatesPart of having social media is staying active on your accounts. Use updates as a way to get people engaged on your profile and talking about things that are important in your industry. You can write updates yourself or share recent industry news or fascinating studies about business you are interested in. HashtagsIf you arent familiar with the term, its time to do some research. While they arent a necessary part of your profile, they do make it easier for people to find you and your activities on social media. Research different hashtags that are popular with recruiters and hiring managers in your desired industry, then, as you post updates, incorporate the hashtags in a meaningful way to get people looking in your direction.Joining GroupsRecruiters and hiring managers are usually active in many groups on social media. These groups, especially company pages, are a great way to get your name and face on their radar. Join groups that are associated with your career and job search. Then, make sure you interact professionally and positively.Discussion ParticipationYou shared an update and liked a few posts. While you might see this as engagement, to catch the attention of recruiters on social media, you have to continue to engage in conversation. When participating in groups, take the in itiative to start discussions and interact with people that respond. Additionally, read what others are discussing, and if you can contribute, write a response.Making ConnectionsGrowing your social media network is half the battle when trying to job search. However, connecting with a recruiter or hiring manager directly isnt necessarily the way to do it. Most times, recruiters will question your reason for wanting to connect. If, however, you feel that you need to connect with them, take a look at your network first. Look to see if you have any common connections, as an introduction from someone else would make for a better experience.Social media is a big part of the new way of job searching. In addition to interacting with recruiters and hiring managers, social media is a great platform to connect with like-minded professionals and groups. And, since a network is one of the most valuable tools in a job seekers arsenal, social media is the easiest and fastest way to stay connected. Readers, how do you catch the attention of recruiters on social media? Or, do you have reservations about its use? Share with us

Friday, December 20, 2019

4 steps to deescalate the drama from mean people

4 steps to deescalate the drama from mean people4 steps to deescalate the drama from mean peopleIt happens a lot at work and in life. You get drawn into a dispute where after a few minutes you find yourself defending a position you never took. Or people come to you to mediate a situation that does notlage warrant your involvement. Or you find yourself doing things for someone out of duty not honor. I could write volumes on what motivates people to behave this way but thats not important. These are boundary issues. The bottom line is when others dont have them you must create them for yourself.Understand boundariesA boundary is simply an imaginary line between what you will and will not allow. You cant change someone elses behavior. They are on their own journey. If you sense someone is being a victim for attention or notice they are triangulating others against you for personal reasons there is nothing you can do about their behavior. The best thing you can do is to quickly create a position and stick to it.Establish your homebase before you speakYour Homebase is your position no matter what curveball gets thrown your way. Dont play their game. You will not win if you are defending anything. You must be proactive to gain momentum. You must be the moving party. If you want to take the organization in a new direction dont defend against how business is just fine now without the change. Segue back to your Homebase. Hurl back questions asking them what they will do when the industry shifts and your speed to market will take too long to catch up. This takes planning. When conflict occurs in the moment you must think quickly. Pause, take a deep breath and ask yourself, What is my Homebase? Why this? Why now?Always trust your gutWhen you cant decide what your Homebase is that is a signal that something is out of alignment. Trust your gut. Your mind might be too analytical and your heart too emotional. Step back and allow for a broader view. Rely on your intuition. The decision may not even be yours to make. Who else should be involved?Clear boundaries establish trustYour team will respect you for your boundaries because they will know where they stand. Consistency is key. They should know if they come to you complaining about another employee you will first ask, Have you spoken with him about this? What do you think his perspective is? If they complain about not having enough time to do something new you will say, I trust your advice. What do you think we can stop doing to make time? If your daughter tells you that you are the only parent who wont let their child go on a ski weekend without adult supervision she should expect that you will say, Im comfortable with that. Im the only one who is your parent.MaryLeeGannon, ACC, CAEis an executive coach and corporate CEO who helps busy leaders get off the treadmill to nowhere to be mora effective, earn more, bemore calm and enjoyconnected relationships with the people who matter while it still matter s.Watch her FREE Master Class training on Three Things to Transform Your Life and Career Right Now

Sunday, December 15, 2019

How Successful People Spend Their Lunch Break - The Muse

How Successful People Spend Their Lunch Break - The MuseHow Successful People Spend Their Lunch BreakWhen you have a meeting to prep for, several projects to finish, and a million emails to answer, the last thing you want to do is stop working and step away from your desk, especially for lunch. But did you know that staying glued to your computer screen and not getting up is actually hurting your job performance? Its time to take a page out of the playbooks of the worlds most successful people. Theyre not sitting in their swivel chairs eating a sad desk lunch when the clock strikes noon- heres what theyre doing instead.1. They ExerciseTwitter co-founder Evan Williams has a word of advice for people trying to keep up their productivity during their lunch breaks Take time out to exercise. Williams is actually a huge fan of getting a workout in during the least productive time of his day, and for many people, this is right around lunchtime.Dont have time to head to a gym and pump iron? Even taking time to walk outside for 20 minutes or doing a couple of desk stretches can leave you feeling refreshed. Even better, find ways to include your colleagues Turn your next lunch break walk into a moving meeting2. They Head to Lunch With OthersWhether you head out to a restaurant around the corner youve been meaning to try or you just sit around the table in your offices break room, taking time to chat with your co-workers over lunch is highly beneficial for your career. Not only will you get to bond with the people you see in your office day in and day out, but youll also gain insight on what role they play in the companys success. However, you shouldnt let your work lunch buddies stop you from growing your network. Billionaire Richard Branson once actually used his lunch break to take a rival out to a meal- doing so allowed him to become friends with his biggest business competitor.So if theres a co-worker in the office youre just not gelling with quite yet or dont know t hat well, ask that person to lunch and pick his or her brain. Or, look at your LinkedIn and see if theres someone outside the company you should be asking to lunch. You never know whatll come from it.3. They NapArianna Huffington is known for being a huge supporter of getting enough sleep, and not just at the end of a long day. Use your lunch break to get a quick nap in at work, whether that means sleeping in the break room or heading to your car. Even just 20 minutes of shut-eye can make all the difference in how you operate for the rest of the workday.The most successful people out there arent hanging out at their desks during lunch, so why should you? Lace up your sneakers, head out to a restaurant, or close your eyes. After all, youre way too good for sad desk lunches. Photo of paper bags courtesy of Shutterstock.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Influence the Outcome in the Hiring Process

Influence the Outcome in the Hiring ProcessInfluence the Outcome in the Hiring ProcessThe latest quarterly report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) with unemployment rates by occupation shows why, in part, the hiring process has been difficult for todays employers.With the high number of job openings - 6.1 million in August, the last reporting period - and low unemployment rates for accounting and financial professionals - 2.2 percent for accountants and auditors, compared with the national rate of 4.2 percent - skilled talent remains in demand.See the infographic, below, for more unemployment rates for accounting and finance jobs.What this means is that competition in the hiring process is fierce at a time when job seekers have more and more leverage over employers. Robert Halfs latest research reveals candidates top five factors for evaluating job offers Compensation, Cost of living, Career path, Commute and Corporate culture.Knowing that, hiring managers might won der which of the 5 Cs they can influence to guide to decision-making. The answer? All of them, to some extent, according to George Atiee II, vice president of Robert Half Finance Accounting.1. CompensationA key to attracting the best people, of course, is paying them well, and Atiee says companies across all industries are frequently offering salaries above market rates.Thats not all. Theyre also taking a closer look at their company compensation packages, because benefits such as healthcare, signing bonuses, 401K plans, and even paid time off could be a deciding factor for candidates.Benefits are a huge part of the discussion, especially for the financial and accounting industry, because candidates will weigh all their options and review how much its going to cost them, down to the penny, to make a move to a new company, he says.What can you do? Make sure youre up to date on the latest salary trends with the Robert Half Salary Guide for Accounting and Finance, and aim to pay compe titive wages and offer benefits meaningful to potential employees. 2. Cost of livingFinance and accounting salaries vary dramatically across the United States. A financial analyst with one to three years experience, for instance, can expect to make $91,000 in San Francisco, while the midpoint salary for that same financial analyst in St. Louis is $64,675. The cost-of-living disparity, particularly in housing prices, is the primary reason for the regional differences in pay.This is a big discussion, but only if a potential employee is considering moving to a new location, Atiee says. Thats when cost of living figures into the compensation, because it affects housing, food, taxes, healthcare and prices of everyday items, all things that affect an accountants decision.What can you do? Know how your salary offers are affected by cost of living when youre recruiting someone from out of town. ur Salary Center h as customized wage ranges for more than 135 U.S. cities, including a map that shows comparisons by region.3. Career pathYou might hear questions like these from potential hires What kind of advancement can I make at your firm after a year or two in this position? Is promote from within the exception or the rule? A definite driver for decision-making among finance and accounting professionals is whether a company is willing to invest in their career path.Some companies and industries do this better than others in the accounting world, says Atiee. Banking does this well, with well-defined career paths, where someone can start as a teller and work up to bank manager, for instance. The public accounting sector also has defined ladders, beginning with interns and progressing all the way to the top. What can you do? Try to offer a defined career path, even in corporate accounting, and show employees how they can succeed. Help them meet their goals by offering professional training, such a s workshops, continuing education and mentoring enabling skill building helping to deckblatt the cost of obtaining certifications and encouraging industry memberships, networking and conference attendance.4. CommuteImagine making the choice between two jobs. One is a 15-minute bike ride from home. The other would take an hour and a half using public transportation. Think of quality of life, traffic stress and extra costs, family obligations, wasted time and work-life balance.Commutes are important, especially in certain parts of the country, but that can be out of an employers control, Atiee says. Ive seen companies, though, let employees work from home a couple days a week or give them flexible schedules to avoid traffic. It doesnt cut down the distance of the commute but it does cut down the time in theyre in the car.What can you do? This is where flexibility and perks come in handy. If youre offering a job that requires the candidate to commute, think of offering variable work sc hedules, van pools, parking discounts, bus passes and telecommuting options, such as a day a week to work from home. It could set you apart from other employers in the process. 5. Corporate cultureCorporate culture should be at the heart of your companys values and mission, and job seekers will want to know what its like to work for you and what the staff is like. They might ask, Is your culture collaborative or independent? What defines success, and how is it rewarded? How long do people stay? Of all the five Cs, this is one of the harder ones to show potential employees - and outsiders - as a tangible asset, Atiee says. Our company, as an example, will take the time out of a work day to allow employees to participate in a day of community service, and well get the word out by posting photos on social media. Thats one way to create an awareness of our corporate culture.What can you do? Fifty-one percent of the CFOs in a recent Robert Half survey said theyre involved in shaping th eir companys corporate culture. One way they do it is to collaborate with other executives to define the desired culture. You can also let candidates meet the colleagues theyd work with, and show them around the workplace. Try to understand your company culture from their perspective and communicate it effectively.Remember that in todays job market, youre evaluating the best and brightest as much as theyre evaluating you. Ascertain their compatibility by being strategic with your questions and learning about their work styles, strengths and work ethic, so you can hire a perfect fit.And remember If youre going to hire someone who will succeed and thrive at your company, you need to consider all the Cs. Whether its compensation, cost of living, career path, commute or corporate culture, the factors leading to the acceptance of an offer are complex. But knowing whats important to job seekers and what you can do in response can help you succeed in the hiring process.We specialize in pro viding businesses with skilled finance and accounting professionals on a full-time basis. Find out more. George Atiee George Atiee II is a vice president for Robert Half Finance Accounting, North America. He joined the company in 2014 as a recruiting manager in the Raleigh, N.C., office, and previously was a staff accountant. He is based in San Antonio and continues to serve as a captain in the U.S. Air Force Reserve, overseeing health service administration, including its finances and logistics, for an aeromedical evacuation squadron. He has his masters of science in accounting.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Secret to Good Skills for a Resume

The Secret to Good Skills for a Resume What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Good Skills for a Resume It isnt easy to escape using a computer and computer program. Youve got computer abilities. You dont have the fundamental computer skills you want to acquire the job that you desire. You probably have the correct computer abilities. Good Skills for a Resume - What Is It? As soon as you get a good comprehension of desirable abilities, you are going to know which ones to emphasize. Explore various ways to translate your abilities and experience so that you position yourself as a capable and capable candidate. If youre not certain which skills you would like to share, consider your prior experiences. After youre done Get rid of all of the skills you simply have a simple grasp of. As you proceed through the list of skills above, make a distinct list with the skills which you already possess. You might not be in a position to work all the skills youve got into your resume b ut keep a list of your top five skills associated with the job for which youre applying in mind once you interview. Youve got collaboration abilities. Some say it is the hard skills that needs to be included, since theyre the ones which are simpler to quantify and measure, which means performance evaluation is more objective. Look through the work description and see whether any soft skills are mentioned. Youve got leadership abilities. Leadership skills ought to be included only in the event you have sound work experience to prove them. Listing your skills provides a chance to showcase your abilities and experiences to prime employers for the remainder of your resume. Good Skills for a Resume Features In addition, its simple to find experience fast for just about any job. Understanding how to look for information on a specific topic or standard area isnt a skill necessary for each and every job, but its always one worth having. Everything you have to know about adding the appropriate skills to your resume. Plus, it is going to help you show off your very best PC skills without difficulty The Number One Question You Must Ask for Good Skills for a Resume If youre, then you may need a superior functional or skills-based resume to assist you get work. Actually, there are particular jobs in which its important to place a skill section at or close to the top of the resume. In many instances, it is going to be effortless to find out what skills you want to be thought about for the job. Your skills are an overview of what you could do for the prospective employer if you were offered the work at this time. The capability to tackle an assortment of distinct varieties of problems is possibly the most distinctive characteristic of the psychology graduate. Even if your skills only fill a couple of lines, it is possible to still format it the identical way. As a human being, youve got technical skills in a wide variety of areas. The particular skills y ou have to excel in the working world will change depending on your area. The Appeal of Good Skills for a Resume Its so essential to be sure your soft skills are extremely clearly communicated in the body of the resume. More technical or computer-centric hard skills are occasionally also called technical skills. Other skills which you should think about including are transferable skills. The skills section of your resume shows employers youve got the abilities needed to be successful in the part. Before you jump into writing down all of the wonderful talents youve got, lets learn somewhat more about what skills employers typically start looking for on a resume and see whether its possible to incorporate any in your skills section. Wherever you opt to place your skills on your resume, be certain to tailor your list of skills to the specific job. Instead, review the job posting for the essential skills and be certain to list the vital skills which you do possess. Most Noticeab le Good Skills for a Resume Being a great listener is just one of the very best ways to be a superior communicator. Regardless of what your age, and however much experience that you have, you always need to be ready to learn a new skill or technique. For instance, if the partie isnt looking you in the eye, they may be uncomfortable or hiding the reality. If you get a wide selection of technical abilities, however, your abilities might wind up being precisely what gets you hired. Essentially, a skill is anything that youre good at. Hard abilities, on the flip side, might be taught and learned on the way. Assess how good youre at every one of your abilities and talents. Most standard resume formats incorporate a skill section at or close to the bottom of the resume. Look out for keywords to spell out your core qualifications, key professional and individual skills.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Knowing When to Bark How Thinking Like a Dog Can Help You Advance at Work

Knowing When to Bark How Thinking Like a Dog Can Help You Advance at Work Need a little career advice? Maybe you should ask your dog.Thats the premise of the new book from business strategist and corporate CEOScott MacDonald,Think Like a Dog How Dogs Teach Us to He Happy in Life and Successful at Work.Cowritten by MacDonalds rescue dog Sadie,Think Like a Dog explores the myriad ways in which we could all stand to be a little more like mans best friend.In the following excerpt, Sadie and MacDonald ruminate on the importance of barking or, as we humans might call it, knowing when to speak up.***Barking can serve as a warning, like when I see a stranger approaching my house. And barking provides protection, because no one likes to confront a barking dog. Dogs bark more when leashed than when walking off leash we are usually protecting our companion or warning others elend to harm them.Generally, barking is a good thing, but too much barking or dogs bark ing at the wrong things can really irritate people, and it is not worth it. Rosie barks at alfruchtwein everyone when she is on a leash. Maybe she is afraid or anxious about being constrained by the leash, because she doesnt bark much when she is not on the leash.Barking is an important form of communicating. I cannot imagine a day without barking. But knowing when to bark is key to doing my job and being rewarded.People exhibit similar tendencies to those described above by Sadie. Although people dont bark because someone else barks, we do often mimic others. Investors often buy a stock just because other investors are buying it its called momentum investing. Automobile drivers often slow down when others slow down, even if there is no accident or construction. Doing something because someone else is doing it may not make sense, but it is fairly common behavior.In personal relationships, barking can have a significant effect on how good or bad a relationship becomes. Frequent compl aints and criticisms cause resentment and unhappiness. The abused (or barked at) partner often withdraws or, alternatively, fights back and escalates the confrontation.Failure to discuss problems (i.e., not barking) can also lead to resentment and future confrontation. When problems are not communicated and discussed, they do not go away but rather build up. Problems that are not addressed become bigger, more impactful, and more difficult to resolve.In human terms, barking that is not alerting or communicating information can be viewed as complaining. Psychologist Dr. Lisa Juliano warns about those who complain too much. Characteristics of chronic complainers include the following- Nothing is good enough for them.- They expect the worst or, if not the worst, disappointment.- They find themselves perplexed by those who seem cheery most of the time.If someone exhibits these traits, he or she is probably complaining too much and irritating others.Dr. Juliano divides complaints into th ree general categories, which I have paraphrasedThe person complains about poor service or product deficiencies and is often effective in registering and bringing attention to the perceived problem. This can lead to a good outcome.The person is venting or getting something off her chest, which might make her feel better but does not lead to productive engagement. Constant venting without action is the same as whining.The person makes ineffective complaints, usually about something he has no control over, which can be an excuse for failure or a way to blame others for problems he encounters.According to Dr. Juliano, some barking or complaining is good and helpful in achieving desirable results. For example, my partner, Patti, was a school principal for several years. When a teacher misbehaved or performed poorly, Patti usually knew about it, but sometimes it came to her attention because another teacher or a parent complained. Without a complaint, addressing the behavior would have b een unnecessarily delayed to the detriment of the schoolchildren. Complaints, as long as they are fair, can provide an important and timely alert like barking can.In other situations, barking or complaining can be counterproductive and ineffective. Complaints have an important role in peoples lives, but excessive complaining, venting, or unfairly blaming others for ones problems can be irritating and unproductive.At work, a barking employee sometimes intends to promote his or her advancement or compensation. However, beware of self-promoters. The opposite of advancing oneself through demonstrated work effort is acting as a self-promoter. These employees try to take credit for what others have helped accomplish they talk about their success instead of the organizations success they are individuals when teammates are needed. Successful operations are not built around people who are self-focused and always barking to draw attention to themselves.In business, most companies like Inves ta, where I was CEO have formal annual staff reviews. This is a key time for an employee to speak up, review accomplishments, and ask for recognition and compensation. Companies and organizations typically invite employee responses during this time, and everyone needs to take full advantage. If companies or organizations do not have a formal employee review period, they are not managing their people well. A regular formal review is an essential part of people management. A confidential employee attitude survey is also a key management tool.Between formal review periods, it was not uncommon for an employee to ask me, How am I doing? or ask advice on how to move ahead. Executives and managers (including me) typically like to give advice when asked. Asking for guidance and adviceshows someone is concerned with self-improvement and advancing his or her career by helping the organization meet its goals. These people merit watching and mentoring.If an employee sees something that is inap propriate or unethical, it is his or her responsibility to raise the issue with executives. No one should work or live in an unethical environment. No dog should remain silent when barking is the right thing to do, and no job is worth losing ones self-respect by countenancing wrong behavior. The consequences of doing nothing are generally worse than the consequences of speaking up.For years, sexual harassment was tolerated in many companies and organizations. Victims often did not register complaints because they feared losing their jobs or status, and when complaints were filed, they were often ignored. In more recent times, victims are barking complaints about bad and unacceptable behavior, and the chorus of barking has led to resignations of senior executives and widespread changes in practice and policy. Collective barking can be very effective by making too much noise for anyone to ignore.The importance of moral and ethical behavior in business has become embedded in better bus iness schools. The prestigious Kelley School of Business at Indiana University, for example, has10 professors in its business ethics group, including Tim Fort, who holds the Everleigh Chair in Business Ethics. I met Fort who owns and loves dogs and we discussed the business ethics of honesty and trust as well as dogs, which behave consistently with love, affection, and trust. Fort has published several books, including Ethics and Governance Business as Mediating Institution. The Kelley Schools focus on ethics in business is admirable and commendable.In business and in life generally, dont be distracted focus on what is really happening and what you can do about it. Dont hesitate to bark when the situation calls for it.This has been adapted from Think Like a Dog How Dogs Teach Us to Be Happy in Life and Successful at Work, 2019 by Scott MacDonald and Sadie, Rescue Dog. Published by Prestyge Books/Indiana University Press.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Motivating Employees from Other Cultures

Motivating Employees from Other CulturesMotivating Employees from Other CulturesMotivating Employees from Other CulturesDifferences in cultural values require extra skill when attempting to motivate changes in behavior. Managers need to accurately interpret the situation and design a strategy that fits an individuals values and needs. This process is fairly straightforward when working with people of similar backgrounds, but is much more difficult when attempting to understand and motivate employees whose values and backgrounds may be different from your own.The three steps listed below will help you design motivation strategies that are culturally aware and, therefore, useful in your efforts to maintain a harmonious and productive multicultural workplace. InterpretationsEffective behavior change begins with accurately interpreting why an individual is involved in undesired behavior. Understanding why a person behaves in a particular way makes it easier to modify that behavior. For e xample, it is common for managers to misinterpret the speaking of a foreign language in the workplace as a sign of laziness, rudeness and disrespect. In fact, fruchtwein often, using aelendher language is an effort to communicate a job-related message accurately, a sign of extreme stress or fatigue or an effort to speed up the communication process.You might be wondering, How can I possibly know enough about cultural differences to accurately interpret all the different behaviors I may encounter? The answer is simple Ask. Ask the employee why he is late for work or why he failed to get the job done on time. If you do so with respect, you gather valuable and accurate information that will help you motivate the change you desire.ExpectationsExplain your expectations in a way that can be understood by someone who was not raised in US culture. You would be surprised how often employers and managers fail to explain what they want and why they want it. Immigrant workers are rarely formall y instructed in the values of US culture and even less often in the desires of US management.Explaining what we want from others is not easy. Often, the most familiar procedures, policies and expectations are the most difficult to articulate. One example is the need for team members to voice their problems and complaints. A noncomplaining staff could be a hindrance, because you do not have the information you need to solve problems.Many immigrants have a great deal of respect for their managers and feel it is inappropriate or a sign of disloyalty to complain. Your employees will never know what is expected of them until you take the time to spell out that you need to know about problems to do your job well and that a good employee brings difficulties to the managers attention.Positive ReinforcementReinforce desired behavior. Most of the time, this is simple. Notice that workers are doing what you want and praise them for it. When it comes to motivation across cultural boundaries, ho wever, this step becomes a bit tricky.Behaviors such as expressing problems or admitting lack of understanding can be difficult to reinforce because there is the temptation to shoot the messenger. It is understandably difficult for managers to praise the worker who arrives bearing news of a missed deadline or a broken piece of equipment. Even though it isnt easy, try to distance yourself from the problem long enough to praise the staff member for keeping you informed and to encourage him to continue to do so.Another problem with reinforcement is the danger of taking certain behaviors for granted. US managers, for example, may not realize how difficult it is for non-English speakers to consistently speak English in the workplace and will, therefore, fail to compliment them on that effort. Try to be aware of behaviors that are easy for you but may be difficult for others. People are different, but they all respond to kind words and thoughtful praise.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Using Resume Buzzwords to Get an Interview

Using Resume Buzzwords to Get an InterviewUsing Resume Buzzwords to Get an InterviewTheres one thing we can guarantee a recruiter will notice in the time they take to review your resume. Not your resume header, or the length of your resume. Its not even your name or personal website. What recruiters notice no matter what when they look at your resume is simple language. mora specifically, your use of language.Recruiters are looking to see key competencies on your resume. The way you package these will influence both the recruiters perception of you as a worker (which inevitably will affect whether or not youre called for an interview) and how you fair in comparison to others. So how can you use buzzwords to your advantage? See below. Buzzwords to avoidEveryone optimises the buzzwords they include on their resume unfortunately, this has led to many words being misused and overused. More than 2,000 hiring managers indicated that overused buzzwords make them disengage with an applicant s resume. Looking at them, the reason behind their negative impact is clear theyre fluff, they have no actionable meaning. Examples of the worst-offenders include Best of breedGo-getterThink outside of the boxGo-to personResults-drivenDetail-orientedTeam playerBottom-lineHard workerStrategic thinkerThese descriptors are frivolous without evidence to back them up. And if you have the evidence, you probably dont need to say youre a gruppe player as the evidence should speak for itself.You might be a go-getter, but what does that mean for the business? What have you done that shows thats who you are? Merely describing oneself without any proof is the fastest way to leave a poor impression on your recruiter. Believe me, recruiters have said it time and time again be specific. Detail-oriented Weve all seen detail-oriented at some point in our career. Whether thats been in your career guidance textbook in school or on your resume in the past, its up there with the most common phrases incl uded on a resume. The logic is technically sound. Recruiters are looking for people who pay attention to the details, right?While youre not necessarily wrong, lets consider the old saying The proof is in the pudding.In this case, the proof of being detail-oriented should be apparent in your experience (your career pudding, shall we say). Rather than tell the hiring manager youre detail-oriented, show them thats what you are. When it comes down to comparing someone who evidenced this characteristic versus someone who merely stated it, the former will get you called for an interview. So, be detail-oriented and showcase work that reflects that.Tip Instead of describing yourself as detail-oriented, use mora impactful language. Youre attentive to business needs and have reflected this by reducing costs by X %, for example. In his program manager resume, Tobias describes pitching revolutionary health technology to the Clintons.Theres no need to state that hes detail-oriented in his resume in light of this. We clearly see hes meticulous in his work.Team player Without collaboration, businesses quickly become ineffective and fall short of their goals. Recruiters look for people who will add to the dynamic of their employee environment and mesh well with others work styles. While this is true, the hiring manager isnt looking for a team player. Lets start off with what impression being a team player leaves on the recruiter. Team players generally avoid confrontation, they concede when faced with any opposing opinion, they make sure everyone is happy (on the surface), and rarely disrupt the status quo. Does that sound like an employee youd like to hire? The reality is, team players are followers not growers. Recruiters are more interested in those that will make positive changes in their organisation. After all, if they needed nothing to change, there wouldnt need to be someone new hired. Again, the proof is in the pudding argument is relevant here too. Rather than descr ibe yourself as a team player, include examples of where you have worked well in a team. Perhaps you have experience working on a project team or something similar. This is where that experience will shine. In Aarons real estate resume, he describes collaborating with trustees to Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.With prior experience working on a team that went on to exceed goals as shown, there was no need for Aaron to describe himself as a team player. Not only is it evident to the recruiter, but they see how this trait can benefit their organisation.Hard Worker I dont think theres a company in the world that is looking for lazy workers. Describing yourself as a hard worker is up there with writing resume on your resume header or closing your resume with references upon request. Youre stating the obvious. Not only does this take up valuable space, its adding white noise. The recruiter hopes youre a hard worker thats a given. What they dont know, and what your resume should be showing them, is how youre a hard worker. What is your impact?On his account manager resume, Maximillian describes his work with AIESEC where he implemented a digital ausverkauf system that increased sales by 100% for the organisation.With this, recruiters at Amazon got to see his dedication to volunteering projects and their success. This easily translates into hard-worker without having to use those words directly. Alternative ways to use common buzzwords Sometimes, you may find yourself in a circumstance that you need to include a (common) buzzword on your resume. This is most likely to occur when applying to organisations that use ATS (automated tracking systems). Some organisations configure these systems to scan for buzzwords when compiling a list of applicants. The best strategy for this is to use buzzwords that are included in the job description and turn them into subsections on your resume. For example, Paula included being independent as one of her strengths as this was s omething potential employers were looking for on her ecommerce resume. Using action words on your resume Action words are used to describe your impact in previous roles. The typical action words people think of when putting their resume together are increased and decreased. While these are everyones bread-and-butter, there are alternatives you can choose from too. Alternatives to increased Augmented Boosted Improved Strengthened Doubled Widened (profit margins) Raised Cultivated (new sales) Alternatives to decreased Reduced Slashed Cut Shrunk Minimized Curbed Halved Using buzz and action words effectively Your buzzwords and action words should add value rather than be the value on your resume. Rather than throwing down flashy words in an attempt to titel up a lack of experience or some other shortcoming, buzzwords and action words should enhance what you already have. Buzzwords are most relevant in your personal summary whereas action words come into play when describing your previo us experience. Personal summary These are used to introduce who you are to an employer especially when making a career change or entering your first job. You can use the following formula to craft your personal summaryDescription of current status with an interest in Industry / Role youre applying to hoping to improve skills of hard soft skills. A personal attribute worker motivated by aspect of company culture.Buzzwords come in when describing your personal attribute. See a comparison of a well-used buzzword personal summary versus a poorly executed personal summary below.Effective use High-school student with an interest in computer applications hoping to improve my skill in Python, JavaScript, and A/B Testing. A dedicated worker motivated by independent work and personal freedom (with guidance) in tasks. Ineffective use High-school student with an interest in computer applications hoping to improve my skill in Python, JavaScript, and A/B Testing. A worker motivated by independe nt work and personal freedom (with guidance) in tasks. As seen in the above example, buzzwords are best when used to enhance your description rather than pad it out. Previous Experience Action words should be used to describe the manner in which you carried out your duties and to enhance the achievement youre mentioning. Its important to quantify your past-achievements in conjunction with your action words too. Previous experience without action words Involved in 5-person team responsible for quality assurance of sold products each day. Previous experience using action wordsSpearheaded a 5-person team involved in quality assurance of sold products each day. Using resume buzzwords and actions words on your resume Recruiters come across many of the same buzzwords on applicants resumes. Sticking to the norm in this case will likely cause them to disengage and overlook your resume for someone else. The best way to enhance your resume is to use buzzwords sparingly and match them to the j ob description when mentioned. Using action words, recruiters can get a better sense of your previous experience and you can show your initiative. To see how others have applied these tactics, check out successful resumes from people who have gotten hired at Spotify, Amazon, Verizon, and more. Dean OReilly Psychology student with keen interest in academic research. Currently exploring the world of absatzwirtschaft distribution and content creation with to help people get closer to the job of their dreams. Read more about my journey to on Fast Company or Gay Times.Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *CommentName * Email * Website Subscribe now for moreSee more great content and inspiring examples of resumes done right each month. Subscribe Youre subscribed Latest posts See all posts by Eric D. Halsey The Resumes of Chernobyl by Eric D. Halsey 4 Ways Creativity Can Improve Your Resume by Katherine (Tori) L utzHow to Create a First Year Elementary School Teacher Resume

What Matters Most in a Job Offer

What Matters Most in a Job Offer What Matters Most in a Job Offer WHAT MATTERS MOST IN A JOB OFFER Aside from salary, workers cited the following as the most important factor when considering a job offer:* TOTAL GENDER MALE GENDER FEMALE AGE 18-34 AGE 35-54 AGE 55+ Vacation time/paid time off 26% 24% 27% 22% 27% 29% Corporate culture/work environment 24% 25% 23% 21% 23% 29% Career advancement potential 21% 24% 19% 30% 22% 10% Work-from-home options 11% 9% 12% 10% 12% 10% Professional development/training opportunities 9% 11% 8% 14% 8% 6% Other 9% 8% 10% 4% 8% 16%