Wednesday, December 25, 2019

How to Catch the Attention of Recruiters on Social Media

How to Catch the Attention of Recruiters on Social MediaHow to Catch the Attention of Recruiters on Social MediaSocial media has taken the world by storm, including the business world. As one of the fastest and most convenient ways to stay connected, social media has evolved into one of the many resources job seekers need to use to keep their job search gaining momentum. One area of concern for many job seekers is catching the attention of recruiters on social media. With the tips below, you should be up and running in no timeHere are seven tips to catch the attention of recruiters on social media in a positive wayBest Social Media PlatformsReady or not, recruiters are fairly active on most social media platforms. The big hitters, however, tend to be the bigger platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. To catch their attention, you need to have an active profile that is professional and easily searchable.Profile UpdatesBefore you broadcast your profile to the recruiting worl d, its best to make sure that it is cleaned up and projects the image you want to communicate. Take a look at your photos, videos, updates, shares, likes, and tags to see where your image or anthroponym might pop up. If it is something that could damage your employment prospects, its best to hide it from the public or remove it all together.While an unprofessional profile will surely catch the attention of recruiters, it isnt going to persuade them into hiring you. Make sure you add a professional profile picture and, if possible, create a profile statement using keywords that will attract people to your profile. This could be similar to a five-word career description.Status UpdatesPart of having social media is staying active on your accounts. Use updates as a way to get people engaged on your profile and talking about things that are important in your industry. You can write updates yourself or share recent industry news or fascinating studies about business you are interested in. HashtagsIf you arent familiar with the term, its time to do some research. While they arent a necessary part of your profile, they do make it easier for people to find you and your activities on social media. Research different hashtags that are popular with recruiters and hiring managers in your desired industry, then, as you post updates, incorporate the hashtags in a meaningful way to get people looking in your direction.Joining GroupsRecruiters and hiring managers are usually active in many groups on social media. These groups, especially company pages, are a great way to get your name and face on their radar. Join groups that are associated with your career and job search. Then, make sure you interact professionally and positively.Discussion ParticipationYou shared an update and liked a few posts. While you might see this as engagement, to catch the attention of recruiters on social media, you have to continue to engage in conversation. When participating in groups, take the in itiative to start discussions and interact with people that respond. Additionally, read what others are discussing, and if you can contribute, write a response.Making ConnectionsGrowing your social media network is half the battle when trying to job search. However, connecting with a recruiter or hiring manager directly isnt necessarily the way to do it. Most times, recruiters will question your reason for wanting to connect. If, however, you feel that you need to connect with them, take a look at your network first. Look to see if you have any common connections, as an introduction from someone else would make for a better experience.Social media is a big part of the new way of job searching. In addition to interacting with recruiters and hiring managers, social media is a great platform to connect with like-minded professionals and groups. And, since a network is one of the most valuable tools in a job seekers arsenal, social media is the easiest and fastest way to stay connected. Readers, how do you catch the attention of recruiters on social media? Or, do you have reservations about its use? Share with us

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