Thursday, July 2, 2020

The Positives of Failure - Walrath Recruiting, Inc.

The Positives of Failure - Walrath Recruiting, Inc. Failure gets a bad rap.  The negativity and stigma around failure heavily cloud the positives that come from it. Without failure we dont learn, grow or appreciate the struggle. So whats more motivating than learning about some of the most successful people of all time and realizing they too failed? And failed hard at that. Here are just a few to help put it in perspective: Sir James Dison. Dison made 5,126 prototypes of vacuums, all of which failed over the course of 15 years. He then created the best-selling bagless vacuum cleaner that reached a net worth of $4.5 billion. Steven Spielberg. Spielberg was rejected TWICE by the University of Southern California’s School of Cinematic Arts before his cinematic debut began (and grossed 9 billion +). Oprah Winfrey. Winfrey was fired from her first TV job as an anchor. Now she’s a billionaire who owns her own TV show (and network!) Stephen King. King’s first book Carrie was rejected THREE times. And when he went to trash it, his wife took it out of the garbage, encouraged him to resubmit it and he became one of the most successful horror writers of all time. All of the people listed above were rejected, failed or fired, persevered and went on to be successful.   What would have happened if they quit? They wouldnt be the inspirations we know today. These are just a few examples of why we can use failure to our advantage. To learn even more positives of failure check out the four points, below! Failure Gives Perspective The only thing better than succeeding; is succeeding after  failure. When you do succeed post- fail, the  first thing you remember is what it took to get there. The hard days, the setbacks and the challenges allow you to appreciate your journey and teach you how to persevere despite the obstacles you faced. Which allows a new appreciation you would not have had without them. It’s a Learning Process Failure can hold valuable lessons if you let it. It can teach you about the process; what works, what doesn’t, how to tweak something, how to adjust and try again. Failure can also teach you about yourself; your tolerance, your patience, the way you bounce back and how you personally address issues and move on from them. Practice Makes Perfect Failure can feel disappointing, defeating, and even debilitating if you are not familiar with the feeling. However, the more you fail, the more tolerance you build. Learn how to be ok with “no”, with an unsuccessful attempt, a rejection etc. It will take practice to get used to rejection, but it builds character and speeds up your rebound rate. Failure Allows You to Assess and Reroute Be proactive. Failing does not have to be an end point. Failing encourages you to reevaluate your current situation and come up with an alternative solution.   You become proactive instead of reactive and can prevent repeating the same mistakes in the future.  If you leave yourself open to possibilities other than Plan A, the new outcome could be better than what you expected. How can you benefit from failure?

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